There were 30 entries that were rated the highest by our judge(s).

Members can view all images and comment on them by following this link
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Ageing Gracefully
Mike Nolan – Distinction
Print – Colour

Annettes Shed
Mike Nolan – Distinction
Print – Colour

Empty vessels.
Annie Handley – Distinction
Projected – Mono

Mrs Clancy
toru mori – Distinction
Projected – Mono

Passing the time
Ian Fegent – Distinction
Print – Mono

Phil Belbin – Distinction
Print – Mono

P1981686 Stepback in time
Jacqui Davey – Distinction
Projected – Colour

Kerynne Belbin – Distinction
Projected – Colour

Bob Green – Distinction
Projected – Colour

Dream that was!
Judith Peake – Distinction
Projected – Colour

Windows to the Past
Peter Collins – Credit
Print – Colour

Once busy
Alan Edwards – Credit
Projected – Mono

Refuge no more
Alan Edwards – Credit
Projected – Mono

Out Of Puff
Gary White – Credit
Projected – Mono

Last leaf
Diny Jones – Credit
Projected – Mono

Lunatic asylum
Diny Jones – Credit
Projected – Mono

Gregg – usefully retired
Klaus Clemens – Credit
Projected – Mono

Keep Truckin
Nicolet westerhof – Credit
Projected – Mono

Phil Belbin – Credit
Print – Mono

St Pauls
Phil Belbin – Credit
Print – Mono

Miriam Kelsey – Credit
Projected – Colour

Old Digger
Giovanni Biasi – Credit
Projected – Colour

Rusty Hinge
Giovanni Biasi – Credit
Projected – Colour

Old Farm Cottage
Bob Green – Credit
Projected – Colour

Kerynne Belbin – Credit
Projected – Colour

Panagia Paraportiani in Mykonos
toru mori – Credit
Projected – Colour

The end of autumn
Margaret Renaud – Credit
Projected – Colour

Too sad
Margaret Renaud – Credit
Projected – Colour

Peter Wydmuch Railway 1
Peter Wydmuch – Credit
Projected – Colour

Retail Refurb Risk
Jane Ramsay – Credit
Projected – Colour